a cura di Mariana Siracusa

Douglas Coupland, Shopping in Jail. Ideas, Essays, and Stories for the Increasingly Real Twenty-First Century. SternbergPress, 2013

— 06 May, 2020 —

- i protagonisti del mondo del design rintracciano nei libri degli spunti attraverso cui guardare il presente -

via Coupland
via Coupland

Mariana Siracusa, interior designer e con un phd in architettura di interni e allestimento conseguito al Politecnico di Milano, è curatrice della galleria Spazio, a Milano, dove racconta dieci libri al mese i sabati mattina.

«Douglas Coupland è scrittore e artista canadese. Ha esordito nel 1991 con il romanzo Generazione X e da allora ha pubblicato tredici romanzi tradotti in varie lingue e numerosi saggi. È editorialista per il Financial Times di Londra e collabora con il New York Times, e-flux, DIS e Vice. E’ autore tra gli altri di Shopping in Jail. Ideas, Essays, and Stories for the Increasingly Real Twenty-First Century (Sternberg, 2013); Kitten Clone: Inside Alcatel-Lucent (Visual Editions, 2014); The Age of Earthquakes. A guide to the Extreme Present (con Shumon Basar e Hans Ulrich Obrist; Blue Rider Press, 2015); Machines Will Make Better Choices Than Humans (V2, 2016).


It’s really hard to imagine calling someone and saying, ‹Hey, come over to my house and we will sit next t each other on chairs and go online together!› Going online is such an intrinsically solitary act and yet, ironically allows for groups to be formed. […] I sometimes wonder about people who wake up and spend almost the whole day online. When they go to bed at night, they’ll have almost no organic memories of their own. If they do this for a long time, you can begin to say that their intelligence is, in a true sense, artificial. Which I guess means sex lives have never been as artificial as they are now. 

Douglas Coupland, Shopping in Jail. Ideas, Essays, and Stories for the Increasingly Real Twenty-First Century. SternbergPress, 2013.»

- Mariana Siracusa